Tuesday, September 21, 2010

not motivated

pants! all ready to go and be packed away. this may not seem like a lot of pants to you, but considering i really only wear about 2 pairs of pants i was quite surprised to find i owned all of these. they've been hiding in my rarely entered closet.

i'm very thankful to my previously motivated self who packed most of my things last weekend. because i really am not in the mood to pack right now. more in the mood to eat jelly beans. and so that is what i'm doing. i have both thursday and friday off so i am not in any hurry to pack. my closet is the last thing i need to do.

today at work i was having a hard time thinking about anything other than the fact that this was a dumb, dumb move and all sorts of negative thoughts that worrywarts such as myself get...like, now i'm STUCK here, i will never have money for food (or wine! which would be devastating, honestly, moreso than the food), i won't be able to decorate because i will have no money to decorate (which negates half my reasoning for moving out..well, maybe only 1/4), how i did NOT think this through..and i always think things through therefore this has no choice but to go sour shortly. but, as my younger self would not have been able to do, i could calm myself down and think of all the great positives that this will bring. i'm feeling a list coming on...


-my own space to decorate! however i please!
-more space to get down and crafty
-closer to town (by closer i mean IN town)
-i can bike to work. or walk...only 3 miles. this will help get me in shape, be better for the environment, and help me save money by not always driving/using gas
-i'll only be 2 blocks away from the boy, as opposed to a 15 minute drive now (really, not terrible but ya know..you can't beat 2 blocks)
-i'm really hoping it gives me more confidence than stress...i would like to feel empowered from this, please, not have it be ulcer-inducing

and really, there's no point in making a con part to this list because i have already committed to it and so pointing out the negatives wouldn't help anything.

so, with that, it's jelly bean time.

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